Kadıköy trip
We went to Kadıköy. It was a very long and arduous journey. Especially the way back. I stood in the metrobus for so long. I was sick as well, so it was double tiring for me. I was sneezing all the time. A lot of people reading probably didn’t know that I live in Turkey, but I do. The reason we went there was to eat mochi, strangely. If you want to buy mochi around here, you will probably find it filled with ice cream. I don’t exactly know why it is so common, but I know mochi ice cream is an American invention. The restaurant we went to had mochi with other fillings. Usually cream. Strawberry one was filled with jam as well.
However, we did other things in Kadıköy as well. We were originally going to a sandwich place, but it was closed that day, so we went to a coffeshop called ‘’Viyana Kahvesi’’. We ate a lot there. I regret it so much. It
probably made me gain a lot of weight, but I am too scared to check. After that, we got into a very packed tram to go to a bakery that sells mochi. I saw a very large cat that was eating grass.
Actually, a lot of the cats there were very large. I guess people there take care of the cats. When trying to find the bakery, I saw a bead store and bought some clay beads. I was looking for pony beads as well, because I want to make some bracelets with pony beads, but they did not have them. I was considering buying some of the porcelain beads, but I thought they would be too expensive, so I didn’t. We also ate some çiğbörek around there, which was very filling. At the bakery, they also had bubble tea and crepe cakes, which reminded me of Milgram oddly. After buying the mochi we went home. At home I found a new music project called Post Traumatic Manifesto. The idea of it is that each song in the album is about a different character singing about their lives after a traumatic event. If you think about it, this is just like Milgram.
Anyway, the songs get stuck in one’s head very easily. I keep listening to Chocolate-box Girl in the background while I do something else. The character design also reminds me of Splatoon. I think it is because of the hair. Chemical Girl also reminds me of Splatoon. I have never played that game, by the way. Speaking of design, a lot of the characters in the series have very wacky outfits. Chemical Girl, for example, is wearing a cheese grater-like crop top. I guess the character designs are meant to be like Vocaloid characters, since they also tend to be over-the-top. If you want to go and listen to the songs, keep in mind that they are very morbid in their subject matters and can make you very uncomfortable.
It was a while since I went somewhere far away like that. I mostly spend my days home. I saw many different stores and restaurants and ate too much. I really should not be overeating like that. It is bad for my health.